Best Ways To Upload Videos To YouTube for Beginners (With Pictures)

YouTube is one of the best ways to Upload Videos To YouTube. Currently, there are many ways to Upload Videos To YouTube for Beginners. But Here’s is few methods described. So, all users keep referring below-provided step by process To Upload Videos To YouTube from Computer and Mobile (With Pictures).

How To Upload Videos To YouTube

To get started, you will need to have a YouTube Account if you don’t already. If you have already then go to sign up the option and then follow the below-stated steps you’ll need to take:

How To Upload Videos To YouTube from Computer

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click the Sign in Option by looking up at the top right-hand part of the page

Step 3: Enter user account details like YouTube Account ID and Password

Step 4: To the left of your username, you will find a link i.e. “Upload.” Click on that.

Step 5: A new page will load and you will be presented with two options.

  • Yellow button labeled “Upload video”
  • Link titled “Record from webcam

Step 6: Select the “Upload video” button, you’ll a new window pop up that will let you select a file from your hard drive.

Step 7: Select the video you want to upload and click the “Choose” button.

Step 8: While the video is uploading you can add the Title, add a description, set your privacy options, and fill out other relevant information.

Step 9: Once the video has finished uploading it will need to spend some time processing on YouTube’s servers before it is ready for viewing online.

Step 10: Process Finished. You’ve just uploaded your first video to YouTube.

Process to Upload Videos To YouTube from Mobile

Step 1: Firstly open your video that you want to upload.

Youtube-upload-videoStep 2: Press the Share button in your mobile

Video-ShareStep 3: Then Select YouTube from the Share menu.

Youtube-Video-UploadStep 4: Give it a title related to video and Add a description to the video that users can read while they watch it. Also, Use tags it will help your video appear in other viewers’ searches

Youtube-video-add-detailsStep 5: Then Select your privacy settings (like publicly, privately, or unlisted)

Youtube-video-privacy-uploadStep 6: After that Click the Upload or Publish button

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