Symbols Status Whatsapp Meaning – Best Ever Whatsapp Status with emoji

Are you looking for meanings of Symbols Status Whatsapp, WhatsApp Smileys, Emoji and emoticons? Let’s see the list of Best Ever Whatsapp Status with emoji and chat symbols and understand their meanings! You will find that you may be using these Symbols Status Whatsapp to convey something else than their originally intended use!

Symbols Status Whatsapp

These days symbols status WhatsApp has become trendy and young users of WhatsApp love it. Using all these Best Ever Whatsapp Status Symbols with emoji in messages has also become popular. Most of WhatsApp smileys have standard meanings. Here you will find the meaning of smiling, crying, laughing, excited, worried, angry smiley faces among others.

Symbols Status Whatsapp & Meaning

(*) Star

●~* Bomb

\o/ Cheer

@}-;-‘— @>–>– Rose

:* :=* :-* Kiss

🙁 :=( 🙁 Sad

:’-( :'( Crying

😐 😐 Straight face

🙂 :=) 🙂 Smile

:^) Wondering

😐 :=| 😐 Speechless

🙂 🙂 ? :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ) Smiley or happy face

? :=D ? :d :=d :-d Laugh

:’-) :’) Tears of happiness

>:[ 🙁 🙁 :-c :c :-< :っC :< :-[ :[ :{ Frown

(^0_0^) Eyeglasses

:S :-S :=S :s :-s :=s Worried

? :=o ? :O :=O :-O Surprised

:-|| :@ >:( Angry

:* :^* ( ‘}{‘ ) Kiss, couple kissing

;( Winky frowny

😉 😉 ;=) Wink

😛 :=P 😛 :p :=p :-p Cheeky

>:) >;) >:-) Evil

😡 :-x: X :-X :# :-# :=x :=X :=# Lips Sealed

☆彡 ☆ミ Shooting star

(=_=) Tired

*<|:-) Santa Claus

~゜・_・゜~ Bat

C:。ミ Octopus

:$ Embarrassed

😀 :=D 😀 :d :=d :-d Laugh

(*´▽`*) (*°∀°)=3 Infatuation

~>゜)~~~ Snake

%-) %) Drunk,

 ̄ー ̄) Grinning

8=) 😎 B=) B-) (cool) Cool

(-_-)zzz Sleeping

(゜゜)~ Tadpole

? ? ;=) Wink

O:-) 0:-3 0:3 0:-) 0:) 0;^) Angel

(‘;’) Baby

(^) (cake) Cake

|( |-( |=( Dull

(..) (._.) Looking down

(・・? (?_?) Confusion

((d[-_-]b)) Headphones

(^。^)y-.。o○ (-。-)y-゜゜゜ Smoking

(*^。^*) ^_^ (#^.^#) (^-^) Normal laugh

(ー_ー)!! (-.-) (-_-) ( 一一) (;一_一) Shame

(*_*) (*_*; (+_+) (@_@) (@_@。 (@_@;) \(◎o◎)/! Amazed

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