How To Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently from Pendrive, PC & Laptop

If your Pendrive, PC and Laptop were struck with the virus then there raises questions how to remove shortcut virus permanently from pendrive, pc and laptop. If you want to know how to remove shortcut virus permanently from pendrive, pc and laptop then you are on the right page. Here in this article, we have provided some methods to remove shortcut virus from pendrive, laptop and pc.

Remove Shortcut Virus

How to Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently

Shortcut virus is a program which spreads through third party software, flash drives and the internet.  Shortcut virus creates duplicate of your original files and folders. And when you click on it to open your files, it multiples itself and installs some more virus and malicious software and browsers etc. people think that shortcut virus does not harm your devices but it causes so much harm to your devices they cannot cost to their devices. Shortcut virus either monitors your pc or it can steal your details or it tries to advertise on your browsers. Shortcut virus is so smart that it cannot be detected unless portable antivirus software is installed on your pc.

How-to-Remove-Shortcut-Virus-PermanentlyMethods to Remove Shortcut Virus

There are 3 methods to remove shortcut virus from permanently from pendrive, PC and Laptop.

  1. Remove shortcut virus using cmd.
  2. Remove shortcut virus in one click using .Bat file.
  3. Remove shortcut virus using shortcut virus remover.

Remove Shortcut Virus using CMD (Method 1)

Removing shortcut virus using cmd is the easiest way. There is a no need to install any virus software from your pendrive and pc.

Follow these steps to remove shortcut virus using CMD

  1. Open CMD (Command Prompt) on your computer by searching command prompt from the start menu.
  2. Now enter the name of the drive which has virus. For example drive D, like D: if D is your drive name or any other drive name from which you want to remove shortcut virus.
  3. Now type “attrib d:*.*/d/s –h –r –s” attrib-h-r-s/s/dd:\*.*
  • -h: to unhide all files on drive W
  • -r; create the files in drive W is free of read-only attribute.
  • -s: making all files on drive W to be not part of the system again, so comfortable in the bright.
  • F:w drive
  • *.*: all files ending in
  1. Now hit enter and this command will remove shortcut virus from your pendrive, laptop and pc.

Remove-Shortcut-Virus-Using-CMDRemove Shortcut Virus in One Click Using .Bat File (Method 2)

In the previous method you have repeat the process of typing command in the command prompt for all your other drives but by using this method you need not repeat the same process you just have to change the drive name. This method is performed using notepad.

Follow these steps to remove shortcut virus using notepad.

  1. First open Notepad from your system.
  2. Now write this code on your notepad file.

@echo off

Attrib –h-s-r-a/s/d Drive-Name:*.* attrib –h-s-r-a/s/d Drive-Name:*.* attrib –h-s-r-a/s/d Drive-Name:*.*

@echo complete

  1. Now replace the drive name in the code with all your other drives on your pc.
  2. Save this file as shortcutvirusremover.bat on your desktop.
  3. Now run this bat file.
  4. It will remove your entire shortcut virus from all the drives you mentioned in code.

Remove Shortcut Virus in one click using.Bat fileRemove Shortcut Virus using Shortcut Virus Remover (Method 3)

If your pc, laptop and pendrive doesn’t remove the virus by performing the above methods then follow this 3rd method using shortcut virus remover.

  1. Download shortcut virus software.
  2. No needs to install it just open its folder.
  3. Now run this tool.
  4. It will ask you from whom you want to remove shortcut virus either from pendrive or PC.
  5. If you want to remove shortcut virus from PC, then select PC option.
  6. If you want to remove shortcut virus from Pendrive, then select Pendrive option.
  7. Now you need to choose the drive name from which you want to remove the virus. Then just click on the scan option.
  8. It will scan and lists all the shortcut virus files, then delete those shortcut files and shortcut virus is removed from your PC or Pendrive.

These are the 3 methods to remove shortcut virus from your pendrive, laptop and PC. If you have any doubts regarding How to Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently please do comment below. We will try to clarify your doubts as soon as. Thank you for visiting our site @ Stay connects with us for regular updates.


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