Many people are in a confusion whether bluestacks is best or Andy is best. If you are the one who is searching for this question then this article will be handy to you. Now in this post, we are providing complete info on which android emulator is the best (BlueStacks vs Andy).

Android emulators are used to get the android apps on your PC or Mac. By using the Android emulator you can download any android app or game on your PC or Mac. The Android Emulators are available for free and the download of these emulators s very easy. By installing android emulators on PC or Mac you can get the apps directly from Play store or from apple iTunes app store. You can also get the apps by downloading apk file of the desired app.
There are many android emulators evolved today and out of them Blue stacks and Andy are the two Best Android Emulators chosen by many people. Blue stacks emulator has long been and the best android emulators for PC. Blue stacks emulator is known to everyone and it always seems to be doing something interesting. However, a new challenge has hit the floor and it’s called Andy. Take a look to know which the best android emulator Blue stacks or Andy is.
BlueStacks vs Andy
Now here we are comparing BlueStacks vs Andy emulator by taking some categories and comparing both the emulators
1. Ease of Use and Setup
This is the first category which we are using to compare Blue stacks and Andy.
Blue Stacks
For Blue stacks emulator setting things was very easy. To get blue stacks you need to visit the official site, download the software, install it on your PC or Mac and use it. It is very easy process to download the Blue stacks. Once you have installed it you can browse through and you can install various games and apps of your choice. So installing Blue stacks is a very quick easy process.
The download and installation of Andy emulator is also very easy. When you have a problem while running it, then thank to the developers as they figure out the problem. Once you start using this software it runs like android phone or tablet and the interface is similar to the android phone.
Andy android emulator does get some points for having a good support staff. Andy developers use Facebook as their support page and their people are generally pretty knowledgeable. So in this category a Blue stack is the best.
2. Gaming
Now here we came up with another category Gaming. Many people want to use android apps on their desktop so that they can enjoy better gaming experience on their computer. Thankfully both Andy and Blue stacks supports gaming.
Blue Stacks
In blue stacks emulator the main focus is for gaming. This emulator doesn’t recommend any normal applications and many assume that the recommended games are ones that have been tested with Blue stacks. The games on this software run very well. You can get games from the Play Store that are not listed in Blue stacks recommendations but they tend to run a little slower than the recommended games.
Andyroid emulator focuses on overall experience and offers a lot of features. This emulator allows playing games well and some games like Clash of Clans. This emulator plays games well when compared to blue stacks emulator. This emulator is especially best for network-based games and they load faster on Andy. Andy has a remote option and you can use your device as a controller for better gaming support. Blue stacks also support remote control but it requires a wired controller.
So in this gaming category, Andy is the best android emulator.
3. Productivity
The reason why people want to get android emulator on their PC is for productivity purposes.
Blue Stacks
In this case Blue stacks don’t fail utterly but it comes close. This emulator doesn’t like to run regular Android Apps as well it does games. For instance, there was a severe amount of lag when simply typing in Google Drive. Blue stacks don’t recommend any productivity apps so you have to go out of your way to find them. Really, Bluestacks wants to be a gaming emulator and it shows here. That said, there are a few productivity apps that do work well so if you need it for something very light, it could still work.
Andy emulator focuses on experience and this is where it shows. There is a same problem in Andy which we faced in Blue stacks. The Google Drive lag was not present on Andy and apps loads well and work well. Andy can run apps like Hangouts and third-party launchers, deliver notifications, and even use widgets. Andy emulator runs higher versions of android compared to Blue stacks. On Andy you will have a higher app compatibility as well as better app stability.
In this productivity category Andy is the best android emulator.
4. Misc Features
Now here we are going to compare misc features of Andy and Bluestacks
Blue Stacks
Blue stacks is a pretty good app and in a small way, simplicity is elegance and it means there isn’t as much guesswork. So you can sync Blue stacks with your android devices to sync app data, texts and other important data you wish to sync. You can also sideload applications which are a fairly simple process. Overall, there are some things, but really not that many.
You can do anything on Andy which you can do on Android. On Andy you can sideload applications, putting files on there from the computer if needed, file browsing, and some tasks as we mentioned earlier like fully functioning notifications, widgets and you can even root it if you want.
Andy has the ability to install third-party launchers. It runs like the android device and you can customize it like any android device so custom launchers, wallpapers, icon packs, widgets etc can turn Andy into a little window of customization an make it really yours. Andy allows you to change the specs of it. This emulator runs in a Virtual machine which is actually customizable. On Andy you can open Virtual Box and can give it some extra RAM, change CPU cores and various other small things can be changed.
So in this category Andy is the best emulator.
This is all about Blue stacks vs. Andy. Out of the categories, we have mentioned Andy is the best android emulator. If you like this post please share on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, WhatsApp, and Pinterest. Stay connects for regular updates.